
Curriculum of Lappeenranta Dance Institute

The basic education in the arts, and of Dance, is goal-directed, and advances from grade-level to the next. It is regulated by law, and is based on the curriculum published by the Ministry of Education.

Read more from the Ministry of Educations page: click here.

Lappeenranta Dance Institute provides teaching in the basic education in the art of dance in both general syllabus and extended syllabus, for all ages. We have dance classes for toddlers, children, teens, adults.

The teaching in Lappeenranta Dance Institute aspires to support the overall mental growth, creativity and social skills of the student, while also providing them with a versatile view on dance and all things related to dance. We take into account the individual needs and differences in our students, and aim to support their skill-development on a personal level as well. We have a motto (that rhymes a bit better in Finnish; ) “Dancing like we mean it seriously, while not taking it too seriously.”

(Graphic is in Finnish)

We celebrate our students by providing them with diplomas as they reach different milestones in their dance studies. Teachers and the principal will gladly explain further, how the dance studies advance year-by-year.

The students themselves can follow up on their dance studies from the Eepos-system.

Students may also ask our student office for a report of their past studies. Colleges in Finland accept some dance studies to be included in the completion of their degrees – you might be able to replace some classes by attending dance classes.