Terms and conditions of training in Lappeenranta Dance Institute, 2024-2025
1.1 Students must enrol at the dance institute in writing by using the electronic enrolment form. Students are accepted in the order of enrolment, that is, on a first-come, first-served basis. Enrolment forms submitted by students below the age of 18 must be verified by one of their parents or guardians. Enrolment for special classes is arranged separately.
1.2 Students can participate in classes once the enrolment has been completed appropriately.
2.1 Enrolment will remain valid from the beginning of the Autumn term through the entire Spring term, i.e. from August 14th, 2024 to May 30th 2025. Once the enrolment form is submitted, the student or their parent/guardian commits to pay the tuition fee for both terms (Autumn and Spring).
2.2 Tuition fees will not be refunded if the student drops out during the term. When the student has participated in one class, it is considered that they have started the term and the entire tuition fee will fall due.
3.1. Autumn term August 14th – December 19th 2024
If a student wishes to cancel a place they have reserved in the Spring/Summer for the next term, written notification of the cancellation must be submitted to the student office of the dance institute by email to toimisto@lprto.fi, through our website, or by post no later than on August 14th, 2024. This deadline also applies to changes regarding classes for which the student has already enrolled.
Spring term January 7th – May 30th 2025
If a student will not participate in classes in the Spring term, written notification of this decision must be submitted to the student office of the dance institute by email to toimisto@lprto.fi, through our website, or by post no later than November 30th, 2024. This deadline also applies to changes regarding classes for which the student has already enrolled.
3.2 Teachers will not accept notifications on cancellation of studies or class changes.
3.3 If the appropriate notification concerning cancellation of studies has not been submitted within the aforementioned period, and if the student does not participate in classes in the Spring or Autumn term, a penalty of 50 euros will be charged.
4.1 The tuition fee will be invoiced at the beginning of the Autumn and the Spring terms, and it will be sent to the email address provided by the payer. A separate invoice will be sent on any additional purchases, e.g. regarding dance equipment. The term of payment of the invoices is 14 days.
4.2 In addition to the tuition fee, an enrolment fee of 25 euros is charged from new students of Lappeenranta Dance Institute. This fee covers the administrative expenses relating to the registration of a new student.
4.3 The non-resident fee is 45 euros per term. The non-resident fee will be charged from students who study at Lappeenranta Dance Institute and who live in a municipality with which the dance institute has not signed a contract for the provision of basic education in the arts of dance. In 2024–2025, the contract for the provision of basic education in the arts of dance is valid in the Lappeenranta, Lemi, Luumäki, and Taipalsaari municipalities.
4.4 The family discount on the tuition fee: Family discount is calculated from the higher dance class cost between family members, and so on and so forth, until there is one family member, who’s semester fees stay the listed price (lowest cost as is). Note: Family discount does not apply to intensive group fees.
- First students gets 0% off.
- Second student from the same family: 10 % off of the more expensive semester fee between family members.
- Third student from the same family: 15 % off of the more expensive semester fee between family members.
- Fourth student from the same family: 20 % off of the more expensive semester fee between family members.
4.5 The Dance Institute uses Maventa (product of Visma Solutions oy) for e-invoicing. In the unfortunate event that overdue fees must be forwarded by the institute to a debt recovery agency, the student or their guardian will be responsible for paying any costs resulting from the recovery, in addition to the notification expenses incurred by the dance institute and the valid penalty interest that is calculated on the overdue student fees from the invoice due date onwards. The student cannot continue their studies in the next term until the overdue fees have been paid in full, or until a payment plan has been agreed upon with the student office for the outstanding payments. If arrangements are needed to adjust the payment schedule, the parent/guardian must contact the student office by email (laskutus@lprto.fi).
4.6 Each year, some students of the dance institute can be exempted from the fees or awarded a grant to support their studies. Exemption and grant applications must be submitted to the student office of the dance institute by email to harrastustuki@lprto.fi or by post. For further information, please contact the principal or the student office, or visit www.lprto.fi.
5.1 The teacher or student office should be informed of absences due to illness or some other reason by email, or by sending a text message to the teachers mobile phone.
5.2 Occasional absences do not entitle students to reimbursement of fees, either fully or in part.
5.3 When the absence due to illness lasts for over a month, payment changes can be negotiated with the dance institute starting on the date the sickness leave was prescribed by a doctor. The sick leave recommendation must be delivered to the student office.
5.4 The guardian will be contacted if the student has been absent without notification from more than three subsequent classes.
- The duration of one class is 45/60/75/90 min, including roll call.
- The list of holidays will be published on the dance institute’s website.
- The student fee includes 35-37 study weeks, depending on the curriculum of the particular group. In the Fortress unit of the dance institute, the curriculum is 37 study weeks/year for all groups. In the remote units, i.e. Joutseno, Ruoholampi, Pontus and Luumäki, the curriculum is 35 study weeks/year for all groups.
- Transcript of all studies can be requested from the student office during the term.
- The teachers’ responsibility for the students is limited to the classes.
- The dance institute has a group accident insurance that covers all students of the dance institute. Contact the dance institute’s office for more information.
- Any dance classes that have been cancelled by the dance institute will be rescheduled as required (see the study weeks/term specified in the curriculum). The dance teacher of the group will inform the students of the date and time of the compensatory class.
- The dance institute will not provide compensation for students who have arrived to cancelled classes if the student office has not been provided correct email addresses and work, home or mobile phone numbers.
- The dance institute is not responsible for any items left in the dressing rooms or in the corridor.
Lappeenranta Dance Institute reserves the right to make changes to the contents of the teaching based on changes in classes, teachers, and locations within the scope of the curriculum.
Lappeenranta, April 8th, 2024
Lappeenrannan Tanssiopiston Kannatusyhdistys ry
(Lappeenranta Dance Institute Support Association)
Board of Directors